Post-7DRL plans

This game was started for 7DRL as a proof of concept for the idea. I didn't end up finding much time to work on it during the week, but i still got a basic release done! Here's the plan for where I'm thinking of taking it from here:


- Feedback effects when capturing stones, taking/giving damage, etc

- Better AI (any at all, really)

- Branching choice of next encounter (between 2-3 options)

- Different looking boards for different monsters


- Different level-up rewards, special abilities

- XP system with bonuses for clearing a board in fewer moves, etc

- Some encounters having special tiles on the board that have special effects, different board shapes, or other abilities

- Longer-term progression that rewards developing an intuition for Weiqi play concepts

- Monster "portraits"

- A dungeon exploration layer where the monsters are encountered?

Files 17 MB
19 hours ago

Get Weiqi Dungeon

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